Water Purification systems | Commercial Swimming Pool Specialists
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Key Features:
Designed to provide high quality and safe drinking water.
Heavy duty mobile unit, designed to operate with minimum man power.
Workshop fabricated and deliver in skid mounted or steel container, which convenient for delivery at minimal on site assembly and installation work.
Speedy delivery.
Integrates compact design with physical-chemical treatment, solids removal by settling, filtration and disinfection all in a single unit container.
Easy operation and maintenance.
The Advantages:
Produce safe and quality drinking water that meets the drinking water standard.
Units are pre-engineered, fabricated and tested at workshop, lower cost, high quality of construction and performance are assured.
Quick and simply site installation.
Less footprint and space requirement.
User friendly in terms of operation and easy maintenance.
Long service life.
System Process Description:
Primary clarification with settlementation process via pH adjustment and coagulation to agglomerated the fine and colloidal particulars.
Multimedia filter, performed as clarify water polishing unit.
Disinfection by injecting hypochlorite or water passing through the KLORMAN on line tablets chlorination unit.
Power connection/ electrical energy supply. The unit can be ordered with diesel generator set @ 15 KVA power output.
Connection of piping system ( for raw water supply, filtered water distribution and drainage.